The problem
Any Air conditioning or Refrigeration service business more than a few years old will generally have generated a considerable volume of data. Worse still that data will generally be in more than one format, stored in more than one system and usually someone in the business will have the “special knowledge” of “how we do things”.
That’s great when you are staring out, but once you realise that XL files and filing cabinets are going to start holding back your plans for world domination your thoughts will usually turn first to “I wonder if there is a solution out there?“, then it will quickly move to “How on Earth will we get all of our data into this?”
Air conditioning engineers are generally not 40 wpm typists and you already have enough to do without having to get 2000 customer records and 5000 assets into a new computer system right?
The solution is digital on boarding
The solution to the problem is to ensure that your chosen solution provider offers an “on boarding solution”. On boarding is the process of taking your existing database information and importing that into a new system in a way that minimises manual data entry. On boarding isn’t for everyone. Some will prefer to just start from scratch and migrate slowly to a new system. in that way they can cross reference the results from old to new and evaluate if the new system is providing the right information they need. What matters is that the service is available should you need it.
The RedPoint F-Gas Platform is a powerful but simple and cost-effective tool that helps you manage all your customers’ Air Conditioning and Refrigeration servicing needs using your iPhone® or iPad®.
It produces Air Conditioning routine service, commissioning and F Gas certificates that can be stored, searched, E-mailed or printed.
Our unique and flexible pricing options means that you only pay for what you use and the more you use, the cheaper it gets.
We offer bespoke on boarding on request for a small charge and can help you export from your existing systems and import that data for you.