Seeking American HVAC distribution & sales partners

Are you a HVAC sales rep or distribution agent based in the USA?  If so then read on…..

Are you able to promote, link to or demonstrate our software to your existing clients?

RedPoint F-Gas is the award nominated HVAC field service and F-Gas compliance/Cylinder tracking solution that is one of the most powerful, simple and flexible iOS based offerings in the world today.

  • Track cylinders
  • Track gas usage across assets
  • Manage all field service work
  • Search, print and E-mail commissioning and F-gas certificates to clients

All in one complete, simple and affordable solution!

A complete self contained sales and loyalty solution that is so easy to get started with!

With rewards starting from $50 USD for converting leads via our self managed web system leading to $100 USD with 3 sales bonus of $50USD in any month, you can boost your monthly sales with no risk or outlay.

Become a RedPoint partner today and get the reward you deserve!  

Click here to read more about the RedPoint Rewards program and for information on how to signup for free today



Don’t use 2 systems to track F-Gas bottles and manage service visits

Computers are supposed to make things simple.  However, as the ACR industry moves closer to a fully digital future the risk of adopting several systems to manage different tasks will likely lead to serious data sharing and access problems over time.


The tracking of F-Gas bottles via barcodes used to be the domain of large enterprise FM companies, however there are several emerging systems that help you keep a basic track of what bottles you have and when to return them.  No bad thing? Well, not if thats all you want to do with them.

The real benefit of computerisation however is the idea that all systems can talk.  Until now this has been a fairly unachievable goal.

If you have considered using a digital or mobile F-Gas and ACR field service solution (which many have) the problem of having more than one system holding useful data becomes compounded.  You end up using bottle tracking to remind you when to return bottles, field service to schedule jobs and possible XL or some oner solution to print and manage F-Gas, ODS and service certificates.


Meet RedPoint F-Gas Software, the 2013 RAC Cooling Award Finalist

A complete turnkey solution that integrates not only bottle tracking, but F-Gas usage on a per bottle/asset basis along with a seamless field service applications that uses all common barcode systems to integrate barcode scanning into the ACR facilities management work flow.

Engineers can :

  • add and return bottles from stock with a single scan
  • select bottles to decant or recover gas to directly into the job sheet
  • add and commission new ACR assets
  • carry out ad-hoc and scheduled maintenance on assets in your care

Asset and facilities managers can:

  • see all jobs in progress
  • schedule service
  • deploy engineers to a single or 100′s of assets
  • search, view print or email PDF F-Gas and commissioning certificates in seconds
  • see upcoming work
  • create calendar events
  • view all f-gas usage on a per asset/bottle/engineer level down to 0.001 kg per delivery/recovery
  • see all f-gas across any location/installation/entire group of companies
  • deploy ad-hoc sub contractors via the economical app
  • produce tailored asset lists

This is how F-Gas asset management should be.  A single sign on cloud based solution for organisations from 1-1000 engineers that takes care of everything required to perform HVAC service and installation work wight he added bonus of complete F-Gas compliance that exceeds current requirements!

Available for single engineer companies on a pay per use basis and from £360 plus Vat for multi engineer companies.

See the main website for more information today






EU Agreement on F Gas will decrease resistance from industry and benefit the environment

euflagTodays announcement that the EU parties have agreed on the phase down of HFCs and equipment bans is a significant triumph for the environment and the fight against climate change.



Announcement welcome at industry level

“The announcement is very welcome from our perspective” says RAC Cooling Awards nominated Mark Coppack who has driven for the adoption of “traceability” systems over the past 5 years.  “There has been significant resistance to implementing traceability systems and a large amount of this was due in part to uncertainty relating to the future of F Gas legislation.  With a clearer legislative picture I am certain that the HAVC sector can now commit to a program of innovation and self regulation that will lead to a better environment for all

HVAC is a responsible sector with a desire to innovate

The HVAC sector is amongst the most innovative industrial sectors and invests many billions in new technology.  It has had a harder time than most trying to react to EU announcements and shifting goal posts.  A time of settled clear understanding is bound to lead to innovation as companies can determine a clear time frame and sane strategies.





Take your HVAC service team paperless for as little as 35p a visit?


RP F-Gas Software is a powerful cloud and mobile based Air conditioning and Refrigeration facilities managment platform that also includes full F-Gas compliance checking and electronic generation of F-Gas certificates and log books.



  • Imagine never having to write out another service form
  • Imagine never having to wait for F-Gas certificates to be sent back to the office
  • Imagine being able to flex your workforce size for virtually no cost
  • Imagine knowing the status of all your engineers
  • Imagine having all your clients assets in one powerful database
  • Imagine knowing were every drop of F Gas had gone
  • Imagine knowing how much and which type of gas was in any cylinder

All this possible and more from as little as 0.35p per certificate.

To discuss your requirements please contact us today or contact an authorised distributor in your area.

You could take your service fleet to a paperless solution in a matter of hours!

RedPoint F Gas Platform Software was recently shortlisted for the RAC Cooling Awards 2013