Computers are supposed to make things simple. However, as the ACR industry moves closer to a fully digital future the risk of adopting several systems to manage different tasks will likely lead to serious data sharing and access problems over time.
The tracking of F-Gas bottles via barcodes used to be the domain of large enterprise FM companies, however there are several emerging systems that help you keep a basic track of what bottles you have and when to return them. No bad thing? Well, not if thats all you want to do with them.
The real benefit of computerisation however is the idea that all systems can talk. Until now this has been a fairly unachievable goal.
If you have considered using a digital or mobile F-Gas and ACR field service solution (which many have) the problem of having more than one system holding useful data becomes compounded. You end up using bottle tracking to remind you when to return bottles, field service to schedule jobs and possible XL or some oner solution to print and manage F-Gas, ODS and service certificates.
Meet RedPoint F-Gas Software, the 2013 RAC Cooling Award Finalist
A complete turnkey solution that integrates not only bottle tracking, but F-Gas usage on a per bottle/asset basis along with a seamless field service applications that uses all common barcode systems to integrate barcode scanning into the ACR facilities management work flow.
Engineers can :
- add and return bottles from stock with a single scan
- select bottles to decant or recover gas to directly into the job sheet
- add and commission new ACR assets
- carry out ad-hoc and scheduled maintenance on assets in your care
Asset and facilities managers can:
- see all jobs in progress
- schedule service
- deploy engineers to a single or 100′s of assets
- search, view print or email PDF F-Gas and commissioning certificates in seconds
- see upcoming work
- create calendar events
- view all f-gas usage on a per asset/bottle/engineer level down to 0.001 kg per delivery/recovery
- see all f-gas across any location/installation/entire group of companies
- deploy ad-hoc sub contractors via the economical app
- produce tailored asset lists
This is how F-Gas asset management should be. A single sign on cloud based solution for organisations from 1-1000 engineers that takes care of everything required to perform HVAC service and installation work wight he added bonus of complete F-Gas compliance that exceeds current requirements!
Available for single engineer companies on a pay per use basis and from £360 plus Vat for multi engineer companies.
See the main website for more information today