RedPoint F-Gas Software is Air Conditioning and Refrigeration service software with F-Gas tracking in one simple solution.
The RedPoint F-Gas Platform is a powerful but simple and cost-effective tool that helps you manage all your customers’ Air Conditioning and Refrigeration servicing needs using your iPhone® or iPad®. It produces Air Conditioning routine service, commissioning and F-Gas certificates that can be stored, searched, E-mailed or printed. It records all F-Gas usage on a per asset basis and manages your F-Gas bottle to keep you and customers fully compliant with F-Gas regulations. Our unique and flexible pricing options means that you only pay for what you use and the more you use, the cheaper it gets.
We have found it easier to file F-gas certificates where other people if required can access. It allows us to keep a check on our assets and find detailed information on each of our Air Con units serviced. Plus it keeps the council compliant with F-Gas regulations..
LC Chief Executives Directorate, Property and Facilities Service, Rossendale Borough Council